Become a sponsor

By offering companies the opportunity to get involved in a world-renowned event, we want to bring together companies and institutions seeking to strengthen their presence in the local economy, both collectively and proactively. Companies’ contributions are also crucial because they allow us to implement new ideas and development projects and to undertake cultural and educational initiatives.
Clone of Become a sponsor

Become a festival sponsor

Promote the festival’s values

  • Support the creation and dissemination of original work
  • Introduce jazz culture to as many people as possible
  • Promote your company as a leader in social responsibility
  • Help finance the festival's major projects

Establish a privileged relationship with the festival

  • Enjoy early access to line-ups and tickets
  • Take part in regular events throughout the year
  • Join a network of Jazz à Vienne sponsors and ambassadors united by common values, eager to share in exclusive moments and keen to express their attachment to the festival.


The benefits

An advantageous tax framework

Sponsorship allows companies to benefit from corporate tax relief in France: 60% of their donation up to 5‰ of their turnover (Article 238 bis of the French General Tax Code (‘Code Général des Impôts’). For example, a €10,000 investment effectively costs a company €1,500, given €6,000 in tax relief and €2,500 worth of benefits (tickets, brand exposure, etc.).

Increased brand awareness

  • Gain brand visibility from Jazz à Vienne publicity
  • Get involved in one of our projects and enjoy visibility in all its promotional material

Give your guests the keys to the festival in an exceptional setting

  • Enjoy concert tickets and a Reserved Area of the Théâtre Antique
  • Gain access to the Espace Pro, where you can meet and connect with other professionals  
  • Take advantage of our hospitality packages in a warm, friendly atmosphere and strengthen your close business relationships before concerts

There are two ways to be a sponsor

Circle of Sponsors

Jazz à Vienne's Circle of Sponsors brings together entrepreneurs whose philanthropy is testament to their shared commitment to- and passion for the festival. In gratitude for their donations, sponsors belonging to the Circle benefit from exclusive advantages, VIP access to the festival and benefits throughout the year.

The Circle of Sponsors' missions:

  • Contribute to the funding of major festival projects, support its musical programming and promote its accessibility to all
  • Join a network of Jazz à Vienne sponsors and ambassadors united by common values, eager to share in exclusive moments and keen to express their attachment to the festival
  • Support the festival's commitment to corporate social responsibility and its ISO 20121 certification

In return:

  • Concert tickets for the upper Reserved Area
  • Cocktails in a dedicated area from 6 to 10 pm included in the concert tickets
  • Name badges granting unlimited access to the Théâtre Antique and the reception area for the duration of the festival
  • Parking spaces
  • Access to festival partner evenings
  • All other Jazz à Vienne tickets at preferential rates
  • Access to the festival's Espace Pro for you and your guests
  • Access to the venue during the day to organise meetings or seminars
  • Year-round access for your events
  • Brand exposure
  • Meetings throughout the year with Jazz à Vienne partners and sponsors

Mécène de Jazz sur la Ville

Pour l'édition 2025, Vienne sera de nouveau habillée aux couleurs du festival au travers de réalisations éphémères conçues spécialement pour l'occasion. Les concerts dans les lieux cachés et incontournables de Vienne seront aussi de retour tout au long de la quinzaine.

Le programme est encore en construction : habillage des espaces urbains, programmation de concerts gratuits dans des lieux insolites et atypiques... Le festival mobilise les entreprises du territoire pour développer ce projet et qu'il perdure pour les éditions futures.

Autour du projet d'habillage et d'animation Jazz sur la Ville, Jazz à Vienne souhaite fédérer les entreprises du territoire en les impliquant dans un programme de soutien. Le mécénat permet ainsi de pérenniser, développer et réaliser ce projet majeur qui fait vivre de manière collective et collaborative Vienne et ses alentours avant, pendant et après Jazz à Vienne.

En plus de la déduction fiscale de 60% du don, les donateurs bénéficient de certains avantages :

  • Citation de l'entreprise sur les supports de communication de Jazz à Vienne et sur les sites en ville (affichage autour des œuvres, page dédiée sur le site internet, communiqués de presse, guide du festival...)
  • Invitations lors des moments en lien avec le projet : inauguration, point presse...
  • Implication dans les moments clés de la réalisation des œuvres (participation aux choix, inaugurations...)
  • Consultation et implication dans le choix de certains projets et œuvres

Mais surtout, en soutenant cette action :

  • Vous soutenez la création artistique et les structures d'insertion
  • Vous contribuez à créer une mise en scène festive de la Ville et des espaces publics,
  • Vous devenez partenaire de l'un des plus grands festivals de musique en France
  • Vous participez à un projet collectif et ouvert à tous, associant les jeunes et les moins jeunes, tous bénévoles.

Détails du projet

Custom sponsorship packages

Our Corporate Relations Department is anxious to build privileged, honest relationships with our partners and works closely with every company to define sponsorship packages that are best suited to their expectations and capabilities.

There are several types of contributions you can make:

  • Financial sponsorship
  • In-kind sponsorship

In return for your support, we offer numerous benefits and you can claim up to 60% of your donation in French corporate tax relief.

For any further information, please get in touch!

Christophe Toni
Christophe Toni

Development & Partnerships

+33 (0)4 74 78 87 85 +33 (0)6 48 09 97 66 christophe.toni