Legal information
The website at is the property of the EPIC Jazz à Vienne
EPIC Jazz à Vienne
11 rue du Cirque
38200 Vienne
French business identification number (‘SIRET’): 531 054 849 000 25
French Classification of Economic Activities (‘NAF’): 9001 Z
IntraCommunity (EU) VAT number: FR 87 531 054 849
Licence n°: L-R-19-899
You can contact Jazz à Vienne:
by post: EPIC Jazz à Vienne - 11 rue du Cirque - 38200 Vienne - France
by email:
Website design and creation
24 av. Joannes Masset Bât. 3
69009 Lyon
Phone: +33 (0)9 54 10 02 54
Rue Eugène-Marziano 25
1227 Les Acacias
Online ticketing
20 quater rue Schnapper
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Secure online payments
Forum Sirius
12, rue Paul Daultier
78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay
Cashless payment service
14 rue de l'Est
21000 Dijon
French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property apply to the entire site. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents, images and photographs.
Please note that there may be mistakes or omissions in this website’s content and that it may be altered or updated as soon as possible. If you notice a broken link, an omission or mistake, please let us know by email.
These terms and conditions govern the sale of tickets for performances:
- on the EPIC Jazz à Vienne websites: and
- in the outlets that belong to the Jazz à Vienne network (covered only by articles 5–9) and have Orion ticketing capabilities (i.e., a module for orders to be taken and electronic tickets to be printed using Sirius software). An updated list of these outlets is available at
They are available upon request and/or are systematically brought to the attention of purchasers placing orders. Accordingly, any purchaser wishing to place an order must entirely and unreservedly agree to these general terms and conditions of sale. Any terms and conditions specific to the organiser of a given performance shall be brought to the purchaser’s attention in the description of that particular event.
Updated on March 27, 2023
1.1 Both the online stores mentioned above and the outlets belonging to the Jazz à Vienne network may not all offer the full range of ticket options. In such cases, these will nonetheless be brought to the purchaser’s attention.
1.2 Prices are displayed in euros and are inclusive of all taxes. They include any rental fees but exclude processing fees (see Article 5).
1.3 Orders may only be paid in euros, regardless of their origin.
1.4 Payment is only permitted by Jazz à Vienne gift voucher (non-refundable, variable amount to be used online in 2023 (tickets or online boutique ) and debit/credit card. We only accept CARTE BLEUE, VISA, EUROCARD and MASTERCARD cards.
Unused balances after payments with Jazz à Vienne gift vouchers may be converted into new gift vouchers for the 2023 festival.
1.5 The EPIC Jazz à Vienne accepts no liability for any difficulties the purchaser may encounter due to the methods implemented by banks to secure transactions (e.g., 3D Secure). Purchases via bank card can also be made over the phone by dialling +33 (0)4 74 78 87 87 (standard rate number).
1.6 Until April 21st, customers may be offered an option to pay for orders in three instalments (at no additional cost) on the and websites. This option is available for orders worth at least €150. Should the purchaser select this option upon placing their order, then they will be required to pay the first third of its amount (rounded as necessary) at this point. If they have not opted to print their tickets at home, then these shall be sent in the post within 10 days (or within a period specified upon purchase). The second and final thirds shall then be securely and automatically debited 30 and 60 days after the order date, respectively.
The purchaser must ensure that their payment card remain valid until the completion of the entire transaction. A receipt may be issued following the final payment should the purchaser request one. The EPIC Jazz à Vienne reserves the right to cancel and refund any order that is not fully settled within two months, regardless of the reason for the payment delay.
1.7 Ticket resale is illegal (French law of 27th June 1919). Offenders may be prosecuted (French law of 12th March 2012). French law of 12th March 2012 [Unofficial translation]: Art. 313-6-2.- Selling, offering to sell or putting up for sale or transfer, or facilitating the sale or transfer of means of gaining access to a sporting, cultural or commercial event, or to a live performance, on a regular basis and without the authorisation of the event or performance’s producer, organiser or concessionaire shall be punished by a fine of 15,000 euros. In the event of a repeat offence, the penalty shall rise to 30,000 euros.
‘For the purposes of the first paragraph, any ticket, document, message or code, regardless of its presentation and medium, certifying that the right to attend the event or performance was obtained from its producer, organiser or concessionaire shall be considered a means of gaining access.’
1.8 In accordance with French law n°2004-575 of 21st June 2004, article L121-20-4 of the French Consumer Code, the purchaser may not exercise the right of withdrawal granted by distance contracts. Indeed, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, in the specific case of recreational services due to be provided at a given date or according to a given schedule, the purchaser is not entitled to this right. Hence, there is no right of withdrawal following the purchase of tickets for performances. Furthermore, lost or stolen tickets cannot be refunded.
2.1 Ticket availability for performances is displayed in real time on the and websites. Reservations are also made in real time.
2.2 Places are not numbered and are generally ‘unreserved’. Event descriptions shall inform purchasers if specific ticket types are required to access particular areas.
2.3 Online ticketing may be suspended for a given performance even if it has not sold out. In such cases, the purchaser shall be notified that ‘tickets may be acquired at the box office on the evening of the concert’.
3.1 The EPIC Jazz à Vienne has entrusted Verifone with the management of its payments and refunds. Verifone specialises in securing online payments. The SSL protocol, as well as the verification and encryption system (which validates access rights and encrypts communications) secure purchasers’ bank details and ensure they remain confidential upon payment.
3.2 Personal data supplied by the purchaser is used to complete their transaction, send them their tickets and, if necessary, to contact them should their booking be cancelled or in any other case of force majeure.
3.3 For security reasons and depending on their order amount, the purchaser and/or holder of the bank card used to make the payment may be required to provide further information regarding their identity by email and/or by telephone.
3.4 Any purchaser wishing to receive news and special offers from the EPIC Jazz à Vienne in the post or by email throughout the year can opt-in upon placing their order. In accordance with current legislation, purchasers shall always have the option to unsubscribe from the newsletters sent out by the EPIC Jazz à Vienne.
3.5 In accordance with article 34 of the French ‘Informatique et Libertés’ law of 6th January 1978, users have the right to access and rectify personal data gathered by the EPIC Jazz à Vienne and may do so by sending an email to
As a reminder, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EPIC Jazz à Vienne reserves the right to contact purchasers (even if they have opted-out of receiving EPIC Jazz à Vienne emails) to broadcast information as widely as possible on the grounds of a legitimate interest in ensuring that performances run smoothly.
4.1 Please note that a ticket order that has not yet been settled is considered ‘in progress’ and is not proof of reservation. Only when tickets have been settled shall an order be considered definitive. The purchaser has a limited amount of time in which to complete the checkout process.
4.2 In order to complete the checkout process, the purchaser must fully and unreservedly accept it, as well as these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (and if applicable, any provisions specific to the organiser).
4.3 The purchaser shall receive two emails following their payment. The first shall officially confirm their order and, if applicable, it will also include a link to any electronic ticket(s). The second email shall be a receipt. The data stored by the ticketing server shall be considered proof of all transactions.
The EPIC Jazz à Vienne may not be held responsible if the user’s email provider places these emails in their spam folder of if it blacklists messages from this sender.
4.4 Tickets may be:
- independently ‘printed at home’. In which case, no additional processing fees are applied. The purchaser may request a receipt made out in their name.
- dispatched as a tracked letter (‘lettre suivie’) within 10 days to the address provided by the purchaser for a flat contribution to processing costs of €4 per order. A receipt shall be provided with all tickets sent in the mail.
- to pick up at the box office on the evening of the concert. The related receipt shall be provided at the same time.
In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms and conditions are applicable to electronic tickets (i.e., ‘print-at-home’ tickets). An internet connection and a typical printer are sufficient to print electronic tickets.
5.1 The outlets belonging to the Jazz à Vienne network and under contract with the EPIC are authorised to use the Orion module (Sirius software) for ticket sales. Not all outlets accept the same payment methods.
5.2 Please be aware that the Pass and other material items available online cannot be printed at home. Upon purchasing these items, an additional processing fee (€4) shall be charged and they shall be dispatched in the post via a tracked service (‘envoi suivi’).
5.3 Each electronic ticket has its own unique barcode and/or QR code. These shall be scanned to check their validity and to register attendance. Entry to performance venues shall only be permitted once per ticket. Additional copies of the same electronic ticket are valueless given that only the first person to have it scanned may gain entry. This individual is assumed to be the legitimate ticket holder. Hence, reproducing, duplicating or counterfeiting tickets in any way is prohibited, as is aiding a third party to do so.
5.4 The purchaser bears sole responsibility for the use of their electronic ticket. They may be asked to show proof of identity to access the Théâtre Antique. Nevertheless, the organiser is not obliged to systematically perform such checks, nor are they required to ascertain whether any electronic ticket is authentic given the difficulty of such a task at the entrance to venues. Should any electronic ticket holder be refused entry for any of the reasons outlined above, they shall have no recourse, no right to have their ticket refunded.
5.5 The purchaser is required to keep their electronic ticket for the duration of their presence at the event venue.
5.6 To be valid, an electronic ticket:
can be printed (using an inkjet or laser printer) on both sides of a blank sheet of white, A4 paper, in portrait orientation, with no size changes. Each ticket may be used by one person to gain access to one performance. The print quality of tickets must be adequate. Tickets shall not be accepted if they are only partially printed, are dirty, damaged or illegible; these shall effectively be considered invalid. If the print quality of an electronic ticket is poor, it must be reprinted (purchased tickets remain available until the date of corresponding events) before it can be used to access a venue.
can be shown at ticket checks on smartphone screens (no other devices shall be accepted). Please be aware that in any case, the EPIC Jazz à Vienne reserves the right to refuse bar codes that are illegible due to issues with ticket holders’ screens (broken, scratched or poorly lit) or their smartphone’s battery discharge.
5.7 Any purchaser who is unable to show proof of their eligibility for a discounted or complimentary ticket shall be refused both entry to the venue and a refund. They may also be liable to prosecution.
Passes are physical cards whose purchase necessarily entails payment of an additional processing fee (€4) and their being dispatched in the post via a tracked service (‘courrier suivi’).
The card may also be used as a cashless payment medium (the General Terms and Conditions for which shall be made available shortly).
6.1 The All-In Pass grants access to all the Jazz à Vienne Festival evenings, with no cap on the number of evenings the holder may attend. The Pass offers several additional benefits that are listed at The resale or exchange of all or part of the Pass is prohibited (see Article 1.7).
6.2 The 7-Night Pass grants the holder access to seven Jazz à Vienne Festival evenings of their choice (see Article 3.4). Once these Passes have sold out, Passes for set combinations of events may be made available. The resale or exchange of all or part of the Pass is prohibited (see Article 1.7).
6.3 The Pack Trio (3-Night Pass) grants the holder access to three predetermined Jazz à Vienne Festival evenings. The spectator selects three performances for their Pack Trio upon placing their order on (exclusively). The resale or exchange of all or part of the Pack Trio, as well as of any other of the Jazz à Vienne packs is prohibited (see Article 1.7).
6.4 Regarding the merchandising available for sale online on, the processing fee is depending on the weight, the size and the packaging of the order. The purchaser shall be informed before paying paying online.
7.1 In accordance with the law, a ticket can be taken back or exchanged only in the case of cancellation of the event or other cases of force majeure after decision of the organizer (whose legal mentions appear on the ticket), the event being under his responsability.
7.2 Should a performance be cancelled, postponed or interrupted, the organiser of the event shall decide, in their official capacity, whether ticket holders may be refunded (exclusive of the contribution to processing fees) and according to which conditions.
- If a performance is interrupted over halfway through (through force majeure), ticket holders shall not be reimbursed.
- If a performance is postponed or altered, the purchaser is free to keep their ticket or to request that it be refunded. In the latter case, Jazz à Vienne reserves the right to make the purchaser alternative offers (postponement or credit), which they are free to accept or refuse.
- In the event of being unable to attend the event for a valid reason, Jazz à Vienne may – if acting as the producer of the event and if the tickets were purchased online only – propose an alternative. In any case, tickets keep non refundable but, in some cases, a date change or a gift voucher can be possible (see Article 1.4). Requests must be sent by email before the date of the concert :
7.3 Save for some exceptions (and depending on public health measures), the purchaser, where applicable, will be required to contact the outlet from which they obtained their ticket in order to exercise their right to be refunded.
7.4 In the event that a performance is cancelled, all tickets purchased online at and shall be refunded automatically (provided the refund has been duly authorised by the producer). Specifically, a transfer to the account associated with the bank card used to place each order shall be made. Only the purchaser may be refunded. This right is non-transferable.
Contrary to traditional tickets, electronic ones do not need to be returned to be refunded.
Should the purchaser’s bank card have expired between the ticket purchase date and its refund, as well as in the case of prepaid cards and e-cards, given that the reimbursement will no longer be possible online, the purchaser will be asked to provide details of their bank account to complete the process.
Each online refund shall trigger the automatic generation of a refund receipt (Verifone) that shall be sent to the purchaser’s email address. This receipt shall be considered proof in the event of a dispute.
For any further details:
By telephone (from within France): 04 74 78 87 87
By telephone (from abroad): +33 474 788 787
By post: Jazz à Vienne – 11, rue du Cirque - 38 200 VIENNE, France
By email:
9.1 In accordance with current legislation (French law n°2004-575 of 21st June 2004, article L 121-20-3 of the French Consumer Code), the EPIC Jazz à Vienne is fully liable towards the consumer for the proper performance of its obligations under the distance contract.
9.2 The ticket sales governed by these General Terms and Conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Article 10 – LEGAL NOTICE
The EPIC Jazz à Vienne acts as the producer of the Jazz à Vienne Festival and namely as the operator of venues where it is not the concert producer.
- Address: 11, rue du Cirque - 38 200 VIENNE, France
- Legal representative: Samuel Riblier (Director)
- French business identification number (‘SIRET’): 531 054 849 000 25
- French Classification of Economic Activities (‘NAF’): 9001Z Arts du spectacle vivant (‘Performing arts’)
- Licence n°: L-R-19-899
- IntraCommunity (EU) VAT number: FR 87 531 054 849
- Webhosting:
- Digital ticketing software: SIRIUS (Forum Sirius)
- Secure payments: VERIFONE
Pour des raisons de sécurité ainsi que de gestion des flux, l’EPIC Jazz à Vienne a retenu les solutions de paiement électroniques suivantes :
La solution de règlement par carte bancaire, ou support assimilé type application mobile en lien avec la carte bancaire (Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Paylib…)
La solution proposée par le prestataire spécialisé Weezevent, pour ce qui est des règlements par carte (CGV disponibles ici)
Sécurisés, simples et rapides, ces deux supports de paiement permettent de régler des consommations/ achats :
dans les bars, stands restauration et boutiques officielles du Festival Jazz à Vienne (théâtre antique, scènes de Cybèle et tous les autres lieux du festival).
dans les bars, stands restauration et boutiques de tous les concerts accueillis par l’EPIC Jazz à Vienne au Théâtre antique de Vienne.
La Carte Cashless (technologie NFC) est fournie gratuitement pour tout chargement de crédits.
Le remboursement des crédits inutilisés implique la création d’un compte en ligne où référencer, au plus tard, le 30 septembre 2022, les coordonnées de la carte bancaire qui sera alors recréditée automatiquement chaque mardi suivant sa demande à partir du 13 juillet 2121.
Les crédits des cartes qui n’auront pas fait l’objet d’une création de compte avant le 30 septembre 2022 seront utilisés aux fins de l’édition suivante du festival Jazz à Vienne.
La création d’un compte Cashless se fait en ligne sur de façon autonome via MON JAZZ A VIENNE ou en se rendant à la rubrique Pratique/ Cashless
L’accès au compte créé est sécurisé par un mot de passe.
Plusieurs supports de paiement Cashless peuvent être associés à un même compte.
La création d’un compte Cashless, prérequis au remboursement de crédits inutilisés à l’issue d’une saison, permet aussi :
la consultation de l’historique des consommations/ achats enregistrés sur l’édition en cours
l’édition de la facture relative à ces achats
le rechargement en ligne d’une Carte Cashless
la mise en opposition, de façon autonome, simple et rapide, d’une Carte Cashless en cas de perte ou vol.
Conformément à la législation en vigueur (loi n° 2004-575 du 21 Juin 2004, article L 121-20-3 du code de la consommation), l’EPIC Jazz à Vienne est responsable de plein droit, à l'égard du consommateur, de la bonne exécution des obligations résultant du contrat conclu à distance.
L’utilisation des solutions de paiement Cashless visée aux présentes conditions générales est soumise à la loi Française. En cas de litiges les tribunaux Français sont seuls compétents.
L’Etablissement Public Jazz à Vienne, agit en qualité de producteur du Festival Jazz à Vienne, notamment en qualité d´exploitant de lieux aménagés pour les concerts qu´il ne produit pas
- Adresse : 11 rue du cirque - 38 200 VIENNE
- Représentant légal : Samuel Riblier, Directeur
- SIRET : 531 054849 00017
- NAF : 9001Z Arts du spectacle vivant
- N° de Licences : 1/1097615 - 2/1097616 - 3/1097617
- TVA intracommunautaire : FR 87 531 054 849
- Hébergement du site : NFRANCE
- Logiciel de billetterie informatisée : SIRIUS (Société ForumSirius)
- Sécurisation des paiements : PAYBOX