Dock In Absolute


Dock in Absolute - min.jpg

The piano/bass/drums trio creates all possible mixes of different genres and always has new surprises in store. The Luxembourgish band Dock In Absolute figures among the ensembles as passionate about jazz as it is about classical music, pop music or rock, which chose to include all their influences in this setup that became better known thanks to past and present swing leaders. At first, their sound was distinguished by the sophisticated and unpredictable succession of its preferred aesthetics, but it then evolved to become a very personal blend. Following its sound explorations, sometimes minimalist, sometimes prolific, the trio came up with its third album Re]Flekt, released in 2003, at a crossroads: it is closer than ever to its narrative ambitions, with a delightful and thoughtful virtuosity.

Line-up :

  • Jean-Philippe Koch (piano, compositions)
  • David Kintziger (bass)
  • Victor Kraus (drums)